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Hic, Hic, Hic: TV Weatherman Keeps Going Despite Hiccups

We admire KHOU-TV meteorologist David Paul's good-natured determination.

Check how he handled it when a case of the hiccups hit during his time on the air Monday evening.

And in the comments thread, please share any stories of a time when hiccups hit. Also: your surefire cure.

Paul, by the way, is in good company among meteorologists. Check this video from 1998 of The Weather Channel's Jim Cantore hiccuping his way through a forecast.

And Paul certainly had a better experience than the TV anchor who was recently fired for his profane debut on the air.

(Note: We'll say it first. This isn't really news. It's just something light and interesting to help break up the day.)

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Mark Memmott is NPR's supervising senior editor for Standards & Practices. In that role, he's a resource for NPR's journalists – helping them raise the right questions as they do their work and uphold the organization's standards.