This is A-State Connections on KASU. This is the weekly segment called “A-State Connections and Create@State: Making Connections That Count”. In this interview, KASU's Johnathan Reaves talked with one of the local businesses that works with Create@State to judge students’ entries. Jessica Blackburn is the director of foundation and corporate engagement at Arkansas State University. Phillip Poston is the director of strategic planning at Hytrol in Jonesboro. Reaves started the interview by asking Blackburn about the importance of including businesses like Hytrol in Create@State.
Phillip Poston is the director of strategic planning at Hytrol and Jessica Blackburn is the director of foundation and corporate engagement at Arkansas State University. In future segments, you will hear from other businesses that work with Create@State in judging entries. You can subscribe to the Create@ State Podcast at the Create@State podcast page on It is also available on iTunes or Google Play, or you can listen on the NPR app. Here are some of the events that are taking place over the next couple of days at A-State. You’re listening to A-State Connections on KASU.