Renowned stand-up comedian Mitch Fatel is set to take the stage Saturday, June 3 at Paragould's Collins Theater. The performance is part of the theater's Comedy at the Collins series.
Known for his well-crafted comedy routines, Mitch Fatel shared his unique comedic style during an interview on KASU's Arkansas Roots. The comedian expressed pride in his ability to deliver side-splitting material without resorting to cursing or using swear words.
However, his reputation took an unexpected turn when the David Letterman Show labeled him as "the sweetest pervert they ever met." Fatel emphasized the importance of maintaining a clean act, remarking, "It's very important to me that there's no cursing or swear words."
Despite this commitment, the comedian acknowledged that his content, while suitable for audiences aged 18 and above, explores relatable and humorous aspects of parenthood. With a five-year-old son in his life, Fatel said his material has taken a more parent-friendly direction while still retaining a rebellious edge, occasionally veering into the slightly perverted realm.
Fatel has graced the stages of numerous acclaimed shows, including The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Comedy Central Presents. The show starts at 7:00 PM. More details are on the Collins Theater Facebook page.