In the aftermath of a devastating EF-3 tornado that destroyed Wynne High School in March, safety has taken center stage in the discussions surrounding the newly rebuilt educational facility. According to content partners KAIT, representatives from the community, school district officials, and architects convened on May 23 to deliberate on the design and features of the school, prioritizing the well-being of students and staff.
Speaking to KAIT after the meeting, High School Principal Dusty Meek emphasized the importance of safety measures, including the consideration of shelters within the new school building. Meek expressed his satisfaction with the shelter options, which not only offer protection against storms but also address the unfortunate reality of active shooter incidents.
"We looked at shelters, and they look really good as far as not only protecting against storms but also an active shooter, which seems to be more prevalent than a storm these days," Principal Dusty Meek affirmed, underlining the need for comprehensive safety measures.
While construction is underway, students will temporarily attend classes at a separate campus until the completion of the rebuilt Wynne High School. School officials estimate that the construction process will be finalized by the fall of 2026.