Jonesboro Mayor-elect Harold Copenhaver replaces retiring mayor Harold Perrin. Copenhaver won with 50 percent of the vote, narrowly edging out his closest challenger Andy Shatley. KASU News Director Johnathan Reaves spoke with Copenhaver. Click on the Listen button for the interview with Harold Copenhaver.
Jonesboro Mayor-elect Harold Copenhaver. In other Jonesboro races, there will be a runoff for Jonesboro City Clerk between Linda Allison (11,810 votes, 48%) and April Leggett (9,059 votes, 37%). In Ward 1, position 2, there will be a runoff between Brian Emison (10,624 votes, 47%) and Emma Agnew (5,964, 26%). In Ward 3, Position 2, Chris Gibson defeats Linda Denny with 59-percent of the vote. In Ward 5, Position 2, Joe Hafner defeats Phillip Glover with 71-percent of the vote. In Ward 6, Position 2, David McClain defeats Larry Hagar with 71-percent of the vote.
In a rundown of all of the races in Craighead and Greene Counties:
U.S. Senate
Senator Tom Cotton - 26,223 (69.5%)
Ricky Dale Harrington, Jr. - 11,519 (30.5%)
U.S. Congress District 1
Congressman Rick Crawford - 100%
State Senate District 21
Representative Dan Sullivan - 100%
State Senate District 22
Senator Dave Wallace - 100%
State Representative District 52
Representative Dwight Tosh - 100%
State Representative District 53
Mayor Jon Milligan – 9,053 (76.5%)
Shawn Only - 2,783 (23.5%)
State Representative District 58
Representative Brandt Smith - 7,631 (61.7%)
Jim Burton – 4,729 (38.3%)
State Representative District 59
Representative Jack Ladyman - 6,214 (66.3%)
Reginald (Ray) Prunty - 3,163 (33.7%)
Justice of the Peace District 3
Carolyn S. Lewis – 722 (53.9%)
Phil Hendrix – 618 (46.1%)
Justice of the Peace District 5
J.P. Barbara Weinstock – 1,165 (51.0%)
Don Mullenix – 1,1119 (49.0%)
Justice of the Peace District 8
David Tennison – 1,670 (59.4%)
Patti G. Lack – 1,143 (40.6%)
City of Jonesboro, Mayor
Harold Copenhaver - Winner, 12,643 (50.4%)
Andy Shatley - 10,861 (43.2%)
Thomas Elwood - 1,605 (6.4%)
City of Jonesboro, City Clerk
Linda Allison - 11,810 (48.3%)
April Leggett - 9,061 (37.0%)
Stan Mitchell - 3,596 (14.7%)
*There will be a runoff between Allison and Leggett on Dec. 1.
City of Jonesboro, Alderman Ward 1 Position 2
Emma Agnew - 6,143 (26.1%)
Brian Emison - 11,135 (47.3%)
Teresa Beck - 3,462 (14.7%)
Brandon Hogan - 2,800 (11.9%)
*There will be a runoff between Agnew and Emison on Dec. 1.
City of Jonesboro, Alderman Ward 3 Position 2
Linda R. Denny - 9,469 (40.8)
Chris Gibson, Councilman - 13,749 (59.2%)
City of Jonesboro, Alderman Ward 5 Position 2
Councilman Joe Hafner - 16,619 (70.6%)
Phillip Glover - 6,924 (29.4%)
City of Jonesboro, Alderman Ward 6 Position 2
Councilman David McClain - 16,671 (70.9%)
Larry Hagar - 6,857 (29.1%)
City of Lake City, Alderman Ward 3 Position 1
Kate Wells - 449 (56.7%)
Harold Sonny Barker - 343 (43.3%)
Brookland School District School Board – At Large
Jeremy Parnell - 3,120 (66.5%)
Kayce Todd - 1,568 (33.5%)
Arkansas Issue No. 1:
FOR - 20,230 (53.6%)
AGAINST - 17,518 (46.3%)
Arkansas Issue No. 2:
FOR - 18,575 (50.2%)
AGAINST - 18,421 (49.8%)
Arkansas Issue No. 3:
FOR - 14,128 (39.1%)
AGAINST - 22,027 (60.1%)
Justice of the Peace, District 5
Michele Boling – 1,572 (82%)
Barry Wayne Wilkins – 343 (18%)
Justice of the Peace, District 11
Ronnie W. Wood – 1,250 (76%)
Jerry Shipman – 387 (24%)
Constable, Bula Township
Kevin E. Gillmore – 5,485 (68%)
Dan Langston – 3,276 (37%)
Constable, Dalton Township
David Hallowell – 983 (68%)
James Shipman – 456 (32%)
Paragould Alderman, Ward 1, Position 2
Susan Kueter Williams – 1,808 (62%)
Shaelynn Nunn – 1,123 (38%)
Paragould Alderman, Ward 2, Position 1
Jeremy A. Biggs – 1,675 (67%)
Ronnie C. Spence – 838 (33%)
Paragould Alderman, Ward 2, Position 2
Aaron Camp – 1,566 (65%)
Cory Wilkins – 831 (35%)
Paragould Alderman, Ward 3, Position 2
Lindsey Boggs – 547 (59%)
Jackie Branch – 374 (41%)
Paragould Alderman, Ward 4, Position 1
Neal Adams – 1,678 (56%)
John Williams – 1,317 (44%)
Paragould Alderman, Ward 4, Position 2
Brad Baine – 1,572 (52%)
Bryce Anderson 1,425 (48%)
City of Paragould Mayor
Josh Agee - 5,413 (56%)
Farrell Gibson – 3,256 (34%)
Jesse Fry – 1,023 (11%)
These results are unofficial and need to be certified.