Craighead County Sherriff Marty Boyd addressed concerns and questions about the jail tax at the public NEATP meeting on Monday.
In this episode Rich Carvell discusses Bono in Craighead County and Booneville in Logan County.
The Craighead County Quorum Court, accompanied by Sheriff Marty Boyd and Assistant Administrator Todd Harrell, toured the county's detention center following their regular meeting.
The Craighead County Quorum Court’s Public Service Committee discussed a possible Jail Tax to be put on the November ballot with county Sheriff Marty Boyd.
An ordinance to approve an interlocal agreement between the City of Jonesboro and Craighead County passed its third and final reading at Tuesday's Jonesboro City Council meeting after council debate.
The 2024 Primary Election Results in Craighead, Greene, Lawrence and Poinsett counties.
Craighead County Judge Marvin Day met with the Jonesboro University Heights Lions Club to give a “State of the County” on Tuesday.