This is A-State Connections on KASU. I’m Johnathan Reaves. This is the weekly segment called “A-State Connections and Create@State: Making Connections that Count”. In this interview, I talked with Associate Professor of Finance and Director of Undergraduate Student Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement, Dr. Philip Tew. He is also Director of the Scarlet to Black Financial Literacy Program and Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy. I also talked to Alyssa Pettit. She is a freshman at A-State and is majoring in finance. They are both working on a research project that is titled ““Rural Residents, Socioeconomic Factors, and Health Literacy”. I started the interview by asking Dr. Tew about the project and how the idea came about for it. Click on the Listen button to hear the entire interview.
I talked with Associate Professor of Finance and Director of Undergraduate Student Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement, Dr. Philip Tew. He is also Director of the Scarlet to Black Financial Literacy Program and Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy. I also talked to Alyssa Pettit. She is a freshman at A-State and is majoring in finance.
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