This is A-State Connections on KASU. I’m Johnathan Reaves. An Arkansas State University professor is one of five inductees into the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame. Dr. Bert Greenwalt is professor of Agricultural Economics at Arkansas State. Greenwalt co-founded and direct’s the annual Agri business conference at Arkansas State. This year’s conference takes place February 8th. Greenwalt also helps manage the Greenwalt Company in Hazen, Arkansas, which focuses on conserving natural resources, especially water. Greenwalt also has previously served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and has served on the St. Louis Fed Agribusiness Council. Others being inducted in the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame are Arkansas Century Farm owner/operator and philanthropist Ellis Bell of Forrest City; Rice farmer Chris Isbell of Humnoke; Cotton farmer and industry leader Steve Stevens of Tillar; and the late Jessie (J.D.) Vaught of Horatio, who was named a pioneer in contract livestock production. Induction ceremonies take place Friday, March third at the Little Rock Convention Center.
In this interview, I talked with Dr. Greenwalt about the induction and this year’s agri business conference. Here is my interview with Dr. Bert Greenwalt. Click on the Listen button for the entire interview.