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Conversation with Speaker of the House Designate Brian Evans

Speaker of the House-designate Rep. Brian Evans, R-Cabot, outlines his agenda and what to expect from an upcoming special session. ( Roby Brock / YouTube )<br/>

In this episode of Talk Business and Politics, host Roby Brock interviews Representative Brian Evans, the newly elected Speaker of the House Designate. They discuss Evans' leadership style and the transition leading up to his official role in January.

Key topics include the upcoming special session to address the Game and Fish Commission budget, potential tax cuts given the budget surplus, and Evans' commitment to fair and consistent leadership. Evans also talks about his focus on constituent needs and priorities, and his strategy for a collaborative leadership approach that includes members from both sides of the aisle.

The episode concludes with insights into upcoming elections and the focus on district-specific issues.

00:24 Leadership Insights with Speaker Designate Brian Evans

01:29 Navigating Early Leadership Challenges and Special Sessions

02:52 Tax Cuts and Budget Surplus: A Strategic Approach

04:21 Game and Fish Commission Budget Concerns and Potential Solutions

05:09 Exploring the Composition and Future of the House Leadership Team

06:53 Focusing on Constituent Priorities and Caucus Leadership

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Roby Brock is the Editor-in-Chief and Host of Talk Business & Politics.
This content has been contributed by the staff of our content partners Talk Business and Politics.